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Blueberries and Night Vision

lasik visionIf your New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier, blueberries are one of those “super foods” you may want to start incorporating into your diet.

Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and may help improve cardiovascular health, memory and assist with disease prevention. Some researchers have claimed that the pigment molecules in blueberries can even improve night vision.

But if you think that consuming this tasty fruit will help you achieve owl-like night vision, a recent report appearing in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry may prove otherwise. The researchers concluded that a diet high in blueberries did not improve vision in dark environments; however, to a small degree the fruit did help the participants return to normal vision after bright light exposure.

Most people have at least a little difficulty seeing at night, especially when driving. In the past, night vision problems after LASIK were common; however, today’s advanced LASIK technologies have reduced the chance for night vision complications after LASIK surgery in Victoria.

Dr. Boozalis at Victoria Eye Center performs comprehensive exams to ensure that his patients’ eyes are right for LASIK. This evaluation is critical to the success of the procedure, and he will only approve candidates for LASIK who have the right eye characteristics to reduce the chance of complications.

Schedule an eye exam at Victoria Eye Center today to learn more about your eye health and find out if Beeville LASIK is right for you. Call 361-578-0234 or visit victoriaeyecenter.com today.

Remember: Practice moderation when eating blueberries and all types of foods!