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Can LASIK Fix Astigmatism?

LASIK and AstigmatismAstigmatism is an eye condition where the eye is irregularly shaped, looking like a football in shape instead of being round as an eye should be.  The astigmatism causes distortion of light rays and interferes with vision.

At one point, astigmatism was difficult to treat through laser eye surgery.  With today’s modern LASIK procedures, nothing could be farther from the truth.  Most people with astigmatism are candidates for LASIK.  Only those with keratoconus, a deformity that causes a bulge in the cornea, and those with some other eye conditions like dry eyes, are not candidates for LASIK.

Most people with astigmatism have great results from LASIK.  If you are interested in LASIK to fix your astigmatism, please call the experts at Victoria Eye Center in Victoria to schedule a consultation.