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LASIK Healing – Part One

LASIK HealingOne of the many benefits of LASIK eye surgery in Victoria is a fast healing and recovery time. Below are several tips that can speed up LASIK healing and help you to avoid any complications after surgery:

Give Yourself Time to Heal: After your LASIK surgery, give you and your eyes time to rest before you go about your daily activities normally. Ease your way back into the flow of things, and make sure you take a couple of days off work to allow for adequate healing.

Consider Taking Baths Instead of Showers: A bath may enable you to protect your eyes better than you would in a shower. Shampoo and soap can contaminate or irritate your eyes, so any contact with these products should be avoided. Water from the shower that hits you directly in the face can also cause complications when the droplets hit your eyes. When drying yourself, make sure you avoid rubbing your eyes at all costs.

Make Follow-Up Appointments a Priority: You will have several scheduled visits with Dr. Boozalis after your LASIK surgery and it is important that you keep all your follow-up visits to properly monitor your recovery progress.

Use All Prescribed Medication: Dr. Boozalis will prescribe medicated and lubricated eye drops to assist with the LASIK healing. These eye drops are essential for the healing process and can help prevent any dryness or discomfort. Use them as frequently as directed.

Avoid Playing Sports: You’ll want to avoid any sports, whether they are contact sports or not, for up to a month. Although it may be possible for you to participate in non-contact sports much sooner, your vision and depth perception may not have fully adjusted. This puts you at risk of having a person or object inadvertently hit you in the eyes which can create complications for your LASIK healing.

Wear Proper Eye Protection: After your LASIK procedure, you will be provided with an eye shield to protect your eyes. You’ll want to have some type of eye protection for up to two weeks after your surgery to prevent damage that may occur while you sleep, or an inadvertent blow to the eye from a person or object.

LASIK Healing Part Two continued next week.