Thank you for scheduling a cataract evaluation at Victoria Eye Center.
Please read through this page carefully to prepare for your cataract evaluation appointment.
It is crucial that you review and complete each section before your visit with Dr. Lam to ensure a smooth and productive appointment. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please don’t hesitate to contact our cataract counselor
at (361) 578-0234.
A Message from Your Doctor
On This Page

Important: 3 Dry Eye Therapy Steps Needed Before to Your Cataract Evaluation
Dry eye may alter the measurements gathered during your appointment. To help us collect the most accurate information, please follow these 3 dry eye therapy instructions prior to the evaluation with your surgeon.
1) Warm Compresses: The compress should be warm but not scalding hot. Apply the compress to both closed eyes for 8-10 minutes, 2 times a day. Compress options:
2) Lid Scrubs: Using an approved eyelid shampoo, very gently clean the lashes and lid margins with your eyes closed. Rinse off completely afterwards. Do this twice a day after the warm compress. Lid scrub options:
3) Artificial Tears: Place one drop in each eye 4 to 6 times per day. Artificial tears options:
What to Expect During the Evaluation
Your cataract evaluation will be a meeting and eye exam with Dr. Lam to determine if cataract surgery is recommended. You will also meet with our surgery counselor to learn more about your surgery options (if necessary) and get answers to all of your questions. Here is some other important information:
- Eye dilation is required for this evaluation. Please bring someone with you who can assist in making important decisions about your surgery options. Additionally, since your eyes will be dilated, you’ll need someone to drive you home after your appointment.
- This will be a 1-2 hour visit depending on the amount of testing needed.
- If Dr. Lam recommends surgery, you can schedule your procedure and sign consent forms at that time. Your surgery will be scheduled for a future date.
Cataract Surgery & Lens Options
If we determine that cataract surgery is needed for your eyes, we’ll discuss our no-shot/no-stitch cataract surgery procedure during which we remove your cloudy eye lens and replace it with a clear Intraocular Lens (IOL). You can choose the traditional monofocal IOL to restore clear vision at one distance, but you may still need glasses after surgery.
Many patients decide to upgrade their vision with Lifestyle Lenses. In addition to solving the cataract problem, these lenses can also correct pre-existing conditions such as astigmatism or presbyopia (the reason you may need to wear reading glasses). We are excited to offer our patients multiple lens options that can reduce or even eliminate your need for glasses to read, drive, work on a computer, etc. It’s important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for Lifestyle Lenses. Your doctor will let you know for sure.
Lifestyle Quiz
Please take a few minutes to complete our Lifestyle Quiz. This list of questions can help you start thinking about what type of vision you would like after surgery – what type of eyesight will support your lifestyle.