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Serious Eye Conditions Growing in Young People

young eye conditions

According to Medical News Today, a recent survey of optometrists has shown that the number of young people being diagnosed with serious eye conditions such as dry eye and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) is growing. Many of these doctors were also concerned that certain sight-stealing vision conditions may be developing at a younger age:

    • Glaucoma
    • Cataracts
    • Age-related macular degeneration

This phenomenon of deteriorating eye health may be due to any number of reasons, including:

    • Diabetes
    • Poor nutrition
    • Increased usage of computer, tablet or smart phone screens
    • Smoking
    • Lack of sunglasses
    • Improper contact lens usage

It’s important to note that even if you have your vision corrected through a procedure such as LASIK in Victoria, and even if you achieve 20/20 vision after the procedure, it is still possible to develop serious eye conditions. Regular eye exams are vital to the overall health of your eyes because they can detect any “silent” problems that are developing so treatment options can be explored.

If you are experiencing any changes in your vision or would like to learn more about ways to protect and preserve your eyesight, contact Victoria Eye Center at 361-578-0234 or victoriaeyecenter.com to schedule an eye exam in Beeville or Cuero. Victoria Eye Center also offers free LASIK Consultations to help patients reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts.